Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11 Remembered Again?

I am not expecting any one to agree with me on this.

The stories have been ramping once again. It seems to me that they try every year to make the people who didn't  die feel guilty. Over 3400 people died for no apparent good reason.

We had planes knock down buildings that were designed to stay up when planes hit them. The Empire State building had a large plane hit it in the fog, and it didn't fall down. This time there was help to knock them down.

Building 7 fell down all by itself. We have all seen buildings collapse with controlled demolition, fall down like a house of cards. We saw a hole created in the Pentagon walls, hit by a plane, yet there was no plane remains left. Steel melts at 2750 degrees. Molten steel. Office fires don't melt steel, neither does airplane fuel.

9-11 was chosen for a reason. Here in the States, 911 is used to call for emergency help, be it fire, police, or in a medical emergency.

9-11 , used to burn the day in our minds. To resurrect the fear in people. Fearful people are docile.

I am not docile.

Fear is used to take away rights of the people. People want to feel safe. Secure. They are neither.
Everyday soon after, we had color warnings that rated how safe we were.
Things got too quiet, things ramped up.

9-11 was allowed to happen. Just like the attack on Pearl Harbor.  An excuse for war. Most of the hijackers were Saudi's. We did not attack Saudi Arabia, we attacked Afghanistan and then Iraq. Huh?

But I hate to tell you, I think this was all an inside job. The Pentagon had been asked to account for over 2.5 trillion dollars that was missing. The missile that hit the Pentagon was directed at the accounting section, wiping out all the computers with the data and the people working there.

That's right, I did say missile. Plane leave wreckage.
There was no wreckage to speak of.

Planes all have a type of beacon that allows them to be tracked across the skies. When something go awry, the air force is called into action. This time, the air force was ordered to stand down.

When the buildings collapsed, immediately,  crews came in to clean up the wreckage. It was a crime scene, There was no forensic work done. Evidence was removed, Repeat. Evidence was removed.

Our government spies on its own people. They hold themselves to be above the law. People should fear them. They should not trust them. They hold the safety and future of people around the world in there hands
and they don't do a good job.

Terrorists. Persons of Interest. Anthrax. Duct Tape. Know unknowns. We will force democracy down your throats. We have bases everywhere.

CIA, FBI, NSA. They spy on everyone. They listen. They watch. They can come in right now, haul me away, and you will never see me again. Or it could happen to you.

Homeland Security, Patriot Act, sounds noble, but it is all invasive.
It is all about control.

Limit voting or better yet, stop voting. It is easy to get swept up in the ideology at election time. It doesn't matter. It may cost a billion dollars to run for president this time around. They put up the money, they expect much in return,

We allow torture. We send people elsewhere to be tortured. Torture me and I will give you the combination to the Ft. Knox safe.  The information obtained is useless. Water boarding, the same. We are no better then the Nazis. In many cases, much worse.

I have rambled on much to much. Many things bother me and today I touched on a few. I do not believe in coincidences. Neither should you. Justice should be served.

Land of the free and home of the brave.




Jay said...

I could poke about 1 trillion holes in your post about 9-11, but I'll just pose a few.

Do you realize how many people would have to agree to such a cover up in order for it to have been an "inside job"? It's been estimated at over 10,000 individual people would have to be involved...and remain absolutely quiet forever. You let 10,000 people in on something 'secret' and it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep it quiet.

As for the Pentagon being hit by a missile - would a link to actual photos perhaps change your mind?

Did you read anything other than blurbs about conspiracy theories on the web, or did you actually pick up a fact based book or report from an independent organization? I believe it was the former rather than the latter.

And to compare the United States government (I'm assuming that's what you meant by 'we', right?) - as the saying goes, if you don't like it, well, there's boat or lane with a seat on it just waiting for you. Perhaps you'll be happier living in Russia, Siberia, Iraq or Afghanistan. I'm sure you'd be welcomed with open arms.

Good grief.

Tao Dao Man said...

I am a Truther.

They are not afraid that we will find out the truth.
They are afraid of what we will do once we do find out.

"Love it or leave it"
Yep, I was told the same thing during Nam.
And we all know how well that worked out.
Gulf of Ton Kin ring a bell?

Dawn@Lighten Up! said...

I don't agree with you, my friend, but I think this post was poignant and really well-written.

raydenzel1 said...

As I said in my first line, I don't expect anyone to agree with me. But your stats are a bit off. 5 or 6 knew and the other 10,000 just followed orders. And love it or leave it? Any war we have gotten involved was under false pretenses. I am not here to change your mind, just to state how I feel. Have a good day.


I read once in a detective story one of the detectives was saying that to find facts one must lift up the rock and then the rock under that rock. I think that is being done.

As I said, I didn't expect much agreement today. Thank you for your kind words. Your post today was also well written. Today is a tough day for everyone. You are a friend too.

linda said...

I have to say that I don't buy the conspiracy theories on this one at all. That is not to say there may be more to it that we know and that is to be expected but I do not believe any of the talk that the US govt is behind it. But there are plenty out there who get into the whole conspiracy concept and upload very convincing arguments for everyone to read.

I would not compare what the US (or any country for that matter) is doing with Nazi activities during the war. I mean, seriously, have you seen the footage of concentration camps after they were liberated at the end of WW2? There is no comparison.

raydenzel1 said...


I am not asking anyone to agree with me, just stating how I feel. The Nazi reference was to the propaganda they used to convince the people what was right or wrong. that they did very well.

This is in no way a reference to the concentration camps.
That was the most evil modern man has ever seen.


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