Monday, August 22, 2011

A Woman's Intuition or Man's Gut Feelings?

Which is better?

Both involve reading between the lines of hidden or non expressed meanings or feelings. A lot of it seems to be based on previous life experiences. Instinctive reactions can take over.

Both involve emotion. But the emotions involved sometimes cloud the judgement being given. Women look at a given situation differently then men, at times anyway. The nurturer-gather versus the hunter mentality.

It is a physical plus mental awareness that happens to a person. A sensory overload of sorts.

Soon to follow is the AHA moment or an epiphany of sorts, a dawning of a realization.

Sometimes though it is called jumping to conclusions. Not all the facts are in yet.  Perception vs. Reality.

After thinking about it, I don't know who has the edge.

What do you think?



Josie said...

Chicks rule!

raydenzel1 said...



raydenzel1 said...

and I do agree chicks rule!

Sous-Chef said...

…And the winner would be the one who actually pays attention to the "gut feelings/intuition" and follows through (hopefully in a consistent manner). While I do believe that both sexes are equally adept at doing this, from my point of view, I think men generally prefer a more pragmatic approach to gathering information and are therefore less likely to buy into the feelings and emotions aspects of it. The higher the stakes the more I think this to be true. Women on the other hand are much more likely to listen to their inner voice as a whole and in particular as a tool for relationship building and maintenance. Notice the little “r” so I don’t necessarily mean those of a romantic nature.

raydenzel1 said...


Paying attention is one thing, suspecting is another. Emotion can cloud ones judgement on matters of the heart of man or woman. I am thinking it is the situation that dictates feelings of awareness. Still wondering...
thanks for stopping by.

linda said...

I must say I do try to be careful to not act on my instincts too much since they are usually very emotionally charged. It depends on the situation.

raydenzel1 said...


I looked up a definition of instinct.

a natural or innate impulse, inclination, or tendency.

And then a definition of intuition.

direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension.

Immediate apprehension can sometimes be a life saver.

I don't know if there is a clear winner between women and men, but it has been food for thought.

raydenzel1 said...

Definitions be damned, I am thinking instinct and intuition are the same, just " a horse of a different color."


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