Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Your Blog Has How Many Followers?

Some blogs I visit have 30-40 followers, some have 100, or 400, or 1,000 and counting. I currently have eleven. Some come , some go, the ones that stay do stop by and comment. When I visit the other blogs, a handful of people stop by, the same it seems, to make their comments and move on. Some of the blog writers have sexy subjects or are sexy themselves. Most are very good writers. Each has a nice style, easy to read.

What draws people to you? It is one friend tells a friend and so on, and so on, and so on. With a blog roll. When you are bored, let's see what else is going on.

And then there is me. One blog I have has a decent visitor count, but what is gratifying is if and when someone stops by, they stay for awhile, reading on average 3 or 4 posts. One blog I have, poetry, makes the sounds of crickets in the night. But the poetry I write is to share my thoughts and feelings on a particular matter and is quite a mental release for me and that alone makes me feel good. A third blog I have is a blog commentary on some golf courses that I get to play on and my thoughts on the course from the eyes of a very average golfer.

To be honest, not having a lot of followers used to bother me, however, no longer do I have blogger follower envy.

I have put out over 400 posts, a mix of music, commentary, funny stuff, poetry and whatever comes to mind.

I hope to do this for a long time. I hope you enjoy your stay. Comments are always welcome, but most of all come on back,

followers optional!

R Jacob


linda said...

You just have to blog for yourself and whatevery goes with it just goes with it.

raydenzel1 said...

My thoughts and conclusions exactly!

Deborah said...

Some people do worry about 'followers' and some do not. Funny how somethings are just like high school yes?

I like what Linda said and I believe that myself.

Keep writing RJ. It's all good.

raydenzel1 said...

I guess it's nice to be popular, but I must go my own way and hope it is liked. High School? Sigh!
Thank you very much once again. You too!

The Topiary Cow said...

I think it's all about how common topics you post on. If you were posting about current events or tv you would have thousands of followers. Your thoughts are interesting, but more specifically targeted.

That said, some people (such as me) are trying hard to cut down on the amount of generated email they get. Your blog, for instance, sends an email to me every time anyone comments on your blog. This kind of drives me crazy and at some point if I can't figure out how to stop all the automatic emails, I'll have to un-follow or something.

Linda's blog, for instance, does not send me emails. I just read it when I want to, which is the way I would like.

I'm not sure what the difference is, but for people who are trying to keep their email down to a manageable level, yours generating the messages automatically may explain why some opt-out, it's not that what you write isn't interesting, it's just that they don't want such a volume of email.

Just something to think about.

raydenzel1 said...

My fault. You had trouble getting my blog, I tried to help. The emails on comments are no more. Sorry...

Travel & Dive Girl said...

I used to get fussed about losing followers, but not any longer. I have another blog for my jewelry related stuff and no one visits it either and I'm okay with that because I do it for me.

raydenzel1 said...

Travel &amp

Your other blog is a business, which I have visited, and will develop over time. Your blog is full of clever snippets of humor, and I am glad I found you.

raydenzel1 said...

Thanks everyone for the pep talk!


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