Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fern Gully

In 1992 a movie came out called Fern Gully. It was a story about the destruction of a rainforest in Australia. My kids loved it back then, it was on constant rewind. This clip features Robin Williams as Batty. Very funny.

But the story is very true about the destruction done by mankind. It had been done for a long time before the movie and continues to this day. We find it hard to live in peace and harmony with nature. One may say it is never to late to do something right, but I am afraid the point of no return is fast approaching,


Travel & Dive Girl said...

I don't think I've ever watched that movie. Might have to look it up at the video store.

raydenzel1 said...

I guess it is the age of your kids, My oldest was 6 at the time. Of course parts of it were aimed at the adults, to get you to watch too. I think you would enjoy it.


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