When I was growing up, there was a comic strip called Li'l Abner in a little town called Dogpatch. One of the characters in the strip was called General Bullmoose, an industrialist, likened to the chairman of GM. In one episode, he decided to capture the automobile market by selling cars for only $1.00!
I was reminded about that episode when Tata Motors had announced they had built for India a car that cost $2,500, designed to get people off mopeds and into a car, very basic of course, but still a car.
It reminded me also of the Volkswagen Beetle sold here in the states in the 60's.
It was very inexpensive, a car for the times, very basic and affordable to all.
People of today won't drive something so basic, no a/c, very little heat(no radiator),very cramped, but it would always start, got great gas mileage for the time and was fun.
Could the circle of life be coming back to the 60's as the economics of the world continue to change? Maybe.
Tata Motors did bring a car in for the auto show as a publicity stunt. The car looked good, looked roomy, and it did get your attention. Costs in the United States would be about $8,000. The one car cost $6.000 to ship, so I am guessing factories would have to be built here for it to make sense.
We have all made some economic choices at one time or another over the last few years, might this be another?
My cramped little 14-year-old Saturn has A/C, but it's so small and old even a 16-year-old with a newly minted license wouldn't want it. But it gets 41 mpg and runs great, so I'm holding on to it. Plus, it's better than a Yugo!
I like the fact that you still have that car. I have a small pick-up truck now, that I will never get rid of.
1I love the classic Beetles! I have owned a couple and my favorite one was a 1973 Super Beetle with baby moons. It was baby blue and had a vacuum hose coming our from somewhere under the car and it was mounted and pointed at the windshield to keep it clear from frost in the winter. Oh I loved that car! Thanks for reminding me.
Oh . . and I totally remember the Purple People Eaters - definitely not before my time.
A few problems with the Beetle though. The windshield fluid was pumped using the spare tire, a truck driving by on the highway would move the car around ( thrill ride ), snow would build up inside around the pedals in winter, engine heat would burn your feet during the summer time and the seat belts were the worst ever. still loved that car.
And looking at your picture, you were told about Joe Kapp and Bud Grant at your grandfather's knee.
keep up the nice comments and you might qualify for thishttp://rjacobpost.blogspot.com/2009/11/my-wish-list-is-small.html
You are sweet, but I'm a total geezer. My kids are 27 and 24! Hear my knees a creakin' when I'm on the elliptical? Ha!
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