Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Let Them Read

Sometimes the only way to find out if anything is worth anything is to ask. Recently I brought some of my poetry to work to be read by a few of my co-workers, women of course, who I have had some meaningful conversations in the past.  Yes, I picked them hoping for a favorable response.

I gave them about ten poems, left them alone, and hoped for the best.  Talk about a gut check. Posting on the web is one thing, face to face another. Then I returned.

One thing I noticed immediately is they looked at me differently. I was cast in a new light. I heard words like "powerful, sad" and I wish I was there and glad I wasn't, and "beautiful".

I had opened up a window to my inner being and they seemed to appreciate it. One said I should read at a coffee house on a poetry night.

It did give me hope that my writing is not a useless endeavor.



Travel & Dive Girl said...

Congratulations! It takes great strength to show your "inner self" to co-workers. I'm glad your responses were favorable.

raydenzel1 said...

Thanks. I did have the "what am I doing" moment, but since they said they would read, I hoped for the best.
It encourages me to do more.

linda said...

It is good to expose yourself. Not that I would ever, ever, ever do that. But I love hearing when people do.

raydenzel1 said...

It is like going up to a beautiful woman and saying hi.
One never knows what will happen next.

raydenzel1 said...


To be honest, the looks are kind of cool. I love the change of perception people have of me. It is all good. It was definitely affirming in a very positive way. Good luck on your move. Your book, which I ordered , missed the autograph, will be read on my lunch break each day at work.
My pleasure.!


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