when you visit
a foreign land
whom you meet
how they act
is what you
think of everyone
who lives there
true or not
where you come
from represents
where you come
is what they
think of you
true or not
welcomed by some
welcomed by all
referal be good
or damned
by association
it's true
what they say
you only have one
chance to impress
make it good
make it right
we are all
counting on you
It is Ray.
Just a thought I had coming back from vacation. I will be happy to stop by.
How true. I used to think that everyone in Scotland would be funny like Billy Connolly. Um, they were not, nor did they walk around in kilts.
Kat - nutbar is a funny word to describe oneself. I must use that now and then.
perception is reality. Good times/bad times all count whether with a different place or different people.
Cow just isn't sure about this. Somehow it seems that some people dislike you no matter how nice you are to them.
Maybe it's just a Topiary thing though.
This is exactly why I always have the Vegas cleavage going on--lots of pressure when people hear I live in Las Vegas. Gotta look good and sexy, too!
And when will we hear about your vacation?
Sometimes people are surprised when one is nice to them.
you pass with flying colors on the Vegas perception!
vacation post will be done soon.
(Cow luuuuves enjoying other's vacations vicariously. Please post lots 'o pictures, too!
i wish that being nice to people guaranteed that they would like you, but it doesn't.
oh !
Ray - did you see Today's Pictures over on Slate?!
my favourite ones YET!
the power of black and white!
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