We panic when we can't find them.
They come in all shapes and sizes. Men can't live without them.
They give us the power. With them, we can speed through channel after channel to find the right show or movie. Heaven forbid we would have to get up to change the channel.
Women laugh at us when we reach for it and it is not there! Cushions get moved, papers tossed, and then a sigh of relief when it is found.
Honestly, there should be a national TV Remote Day, a paid holiday of course!
I always carry it with me and then lose it. My son wedges it down in the couch. My husband has the job of finding it all the time.
I do panic. One day it was missing all day. I found it in the bathroom? I stopped going to the bathroom after that.
Have always been amazed how many times these things can be dropped, have things spilled on them, and the wrong sequence of numbers entered, yet they keep working.
Toyota could learn something from whoever designs and produces remotes.
There is one part that always breaks, the cover for the batteries. Thank goodness for duct tape!
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