Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Exercise = Tired

exercise no big deal
move this
move that
toss some weights
lift and turn
hour or so
then we are done

yoga oh my
pull and stretch
up and down dog
twist and turn
sweat a lot

different poses
fight for balance
muscles found
thought were lost
switch second side
no third side?

use a mat
cushion needed
joints are sore
tired nap time

feel better at work
more mellow it seems
inner peace
seems possible

goal for the day
like them

feeling younger
by the day
inspired by one

thank you
special person


Bobby Allan said...

I just started working out again. I HATE it but like you said, feel so much better during the day. That's the only thing that will make me do it again tomorrow.

Bravo to you!

Vegas Linda Lou said...

Good for you--yoga is the closest thing we have to the Fountain of Youth! "You're as young as your spine." Keep up the good work!

raydenzel1 said...

Thanks. I was feeling tired afterwards. The results are starting to show. I actually don't hate it, but would have trouble going to a gym each day. My living room is my gym. Results, I think, show up quicker on a woman, and you will be happy in no time at all!

raydenzel1 said...

thank you. I guess I should of done this years ago, but as I tell people at work, I wasn't ready.

linda said...

I am sure that special person is very proud of you (and quite chuffed to have had a positive impact in your life).

raydenzel1 said...

first I looked up chuffed.
Definition: quite pleased
Yes, everyone needs encouragement. I am happy and grateful for any and all!

The Topiary Cow said...

Awww, how nice that a special person is there to inspire you.

Everyone needs a special person--unless you are Katie Holmes and it is Tom Cruise, maybe.


raydenzel1 said...

everyone needs someone to hold your hand and say "go getem". Who knew?

raydenzel1 said...

Some days are more of a struggle then others. At times, I look like a unfolded lawn chair!


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