Friday, August 29, 2014

Man up and apologize, whether you are a leader, government, business or church, say you are sorry!

And don't wait for someone else to say it for you, say five hundred years later, sorry Galileo!

Really it is not that hard. Be responsible for your actions, admit your mistakes, it will make you a better whatever you are.

Please no pr spin. We can see through it. There must be some hidden rule that says do not admit to any mistakes, ever. Deny, deny, deny. No one and I repeat no one is infallible. Sorry pope.

Imagine if we had said we were sorry for dropping not one but two bombs on Japan, killing thousands of people and wiping out cities when Japan was already in the process of surrendering to us. We could have said "We just spent millions of dollars on development of these bombs see, and well, we had to try them to see what would happen even though we already tested them and knew what kind of destruction it would wrought, not once but twice on your land. To make up for it, we will rebuild your cities and help care for whomever was still alive." That would be right but it didn't happen.

Or if all the drug companies said we make stuff that we say will help you feel better but in reality we have no clue what will happen long term but it is not safe and we warn you through the disclaimers while we show you a pretty lady walking on the beach smiling wondering while the medicine she is taking makes her want to kill herself, ask you doctor for it by name.

You tell your kids to say they are sorry when they do something wrong.
Try it yourself.


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