Monday, February 21, 2011

Drawing Update

I know that this might be a bit boring for some of you. Sorry about that. Just another post of my drawing journey-adventure. I try to do a drawing on my lunch time, most of the time succeeding. Yesterday didn't work out. I will show that down the road after I try again.

Anyway, only three to look at today!

this one is new

a second attempt
drawn upside down
part of a drawing exercise
I started with the right hoof and drew down from there!

another second attempt

thanks for stopping by



Deborah said...

That face is so interesting.

The Katzbox said...

Oh...that drawing of that woman pulled me inside of it...that was kind of haunting...

Well done. I also loved the fisherman. My husband is from Maine and used to be a lobsterman. So, it resonated with me. Love your blogs.

I tend to "see" odd faces (non-human) in wood and walls and curtain folds...thing you might see in a "Star Wars" intergalactic bar. I used to draw them, but I'm so horrible at now I just look at them. That sounds so strange to write down, but since you're an artist, I thought I'd share it with you.



raydenzel1 said...

I am blushing at the thought that you think of me being an artist.

Everyone is an artist. Your non faces would be anything you think it should be. please try again!

raydenzel1 said...

thank you so much. I am trying very hard.


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