As the government makes indefinite detention into law,
this is what freedom looks like now
"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of you teamming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
This poem is called the New Colossus
and it was written by Emma Lazarus.
and no one notices
the public is stupid, asleep, uncaring
or under the belief it will happen to someone else
the military will be given the authority to take any
citizen off the streets
no lawyer
no judge
no hope
and Obama is going to let it happen
the bill passed the Senate
and the House
we now have drones
patrolling the borders of Mexico
and Canada
to keep people out
soon it will to keep people in
to the people of the world
don't judge us badly
don't hate us
it is like many other countries
in the world
it is the government
run amok
we can all be branded
terrorists now.
makes for a great
reality TV show
right now
Orwell is crying
a sobering cup
of coffee
Ray, thank you for cool drink!I wish you and your family, Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!!Kisses from Thessaloniki, Greece.
Thanks for posting this.
I will cross post.
Did you happen to see this?
I wish I could give you a Christmas hug right now!
I did another one below, some of the same stuff, some different.
A sad day my friend.
They say it can't happen here, but people are people: the worst can happen anywhere.
I will predict you will see a brain drain happening in the states, the like we have not seen since WWII. People of intellect and smarts will see the writing on the wall. They are working on a internet censorship right now. Sigh
Did you say Internet censorship?
&^%$ &*%# )((((**&&^ !@*%^ _)+*^+#@!~
It is totally disgusting what this government has done to the US. The Constitution and rule of law are gone.
America, what a country.
Hi Charlie.
Good to see you here. :-)
I have to agree with you. The government no longer represents the people. There is a different game plan underway. Very sinister.
How do you like voting in this 'Change' folks? Any regrets? Yeah, thought so.
at this point in time I honestly don't think it makes a difference. The White House and DC it self,seems to be a giant rabbit hole. Nothing that comes out makes sense.
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