Monday, May 17, 2010

When Life Hands You A Crutch......

I recently got hurt at work, twisting my right knee.

People have inquired how I am doing,

what happened and so on.

Days have turned into weeks. So far 4 weeks have past, now on number 5.

People start to wonder, am I faking it. I am not, but it is not anything they can see. Doubts set in.

Makes me almost wish I had broken my leg. That would show them!


Christine Macdonald said...

Oh I feel for you! Hang in there, my friend.


Deborah said...

Oh I'm sorry! I ripped my meniscus a while back and had surgery. It's still not totally right.

Let them think what they will!

Kat Mortensen said...

I've been meaning to swing by for a while, Ray. I'm so sorry to hear about your accident and injury. That's no good at all!

People are like that, aren't they? Doubting Thomases - always suspicious. It's different though when they're the ones who are injured. Right?

Take care,


(Going to check out your guest spot with the poetry now.)

raydenzel1 said...


Thank you. Every night it is tough to sleep, I keep waking up in some pain and discomfort. Hang I will. I am enjoying your sucess.

There is a partial tear of the meniscus. I had a cortisone shot Friday and I go back in two weeks.

It is what it is. I can't plant my foot and twist, I have pain on both sides. It will get better in time, I hope. I will update later. Good luck with the book! You have been busy.


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