Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mystery Solved- Why Man and Woman Are Different!

Finally science has an answer!

Why do we act different?

First the woman:

And then the man:

Once again science has come to the rescue!


linda said...

Ha ha ha. How true, although sometimes my mind morphs into the male version. Not telling which portion however.

raydenzel1 said...

It will make my little brain hurt to try to figure which portion, so I won't. Besides, right now I am thinking of......

I Hate to Weight said...

hi. i'm new to the blog, but i must say it's very relevant to my day.

why do men avoid personal questions at all costs?

and though i am a woman (wait, i can't concentrate. the dueling football games in the next room are distracting. what is it with the remote control? my boyfriend can click through eighty channels, even while napping.)

back to my original comment before i was rudely interrupted by the Pittsburgh Steelers -- even though i'm a woman, i hate shoes, shoe shopping and heels.

but i do getting lost walking around the block. and everywhere else.

raydenzel1 said...

I Hate to Weight
Men feel trapped without the remote and the need to fly by all the channels looking for the latest showing of the Godfather!

The Topiary Cow said...

This is funny. Stereotypes, but funny nonetheless.

raydenzel1 said...

It dawned on me. You have the urge to grab for the remote!

Miss cow
There is a need to laugh once in awhile!


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